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Scientific Publications

  • Caram, N., F. Casalás, P. Soca, M.O. Wallau, L.E. Sollenberger, M. Cadenazzi, and P. Boggiano. 2024. Grazing intensity controls the seasonal utilization of functionally diverse patches by mediating herbivore selectivity. Range Ecol. Manage., 96, 152-162.

  • Caram, N., R.  Casalás, M.O. Wallau, L.E. Sollenberger, P. Soca, M. Cadenazzi, and P. Boggiano. 2024. The importance of considering temporal intraspecific trait variation in Campos grasslands. J Veg. Sci., 35(4).

  • Babar, M. A., S.A. Harrison, A. Blount, R.D. Barnett, J. Johnson, M. Mergoum, D.J. Mailhot, … M.O. Wallau, … Arbelaez, J. (2024). Registration of ‘FL12034‐10’ oat: A new dual‐purpose disease resistant cultivar for Florida and southern United States. J. Plant Regist., 18(2), 254–261.

  • Carmona-Flores, L., M. Wallau, C. Cabrera, D. Vyas, 2024. Evaluating the impact of orange oil and sunn hemp hay on digestibility and anthelmintic efficacy in texel ewes. Small Ruminant Res. Accepted

  • Tsegay, M., Z. Grabau, J. Dubeux, M. Wallau. 2023. Crop rotation for management of plant-parasitic nematodes in forage corn production. Agron. J. (First view Dec, 2023)

  • Williams, M.J., J.M. Grabowski, M.A. Gonter, A.S. Blount, C. Mackowiak, J. Jones, E. Rios, M.O. Wallau and J. Dubeux. 2023. Sunrise Germplasm Eastern Gamagrass: tested class of natural germplasm. Native Plants J. 24(3):261-270.

  • Wallau, M., F. Neves, N. CaramG, C. Bremm, C.E. Pinto, J.K. Da Trindade, J. Mezzalira and  P.C.F. Carvalho. 2023. Moderate grazing intensities modulate canopy structure that influences short-term intake rate of heifers grazing a natural grassland. Grassland Sci.1-11

  • Felizardo, L.F., M. Wallau and J.R. Pereira. 2023. RPER Software: A Social Management Tool for Rapid Participatory Emancipatory Research Planning, Design and Implementation. J. Social Environ Manage. 17(10):01-28.

  • Basen, W., J. Lai, B. Kassas and M. Wallau. 2023. Investigating Trends in Consumer Preferences and Willingness to Pay for Lamb and Goat Meat: A Case Study from Florida. Agribus. Int. J

  • Rush, H., J. Dubeux, L. QueirozG, M. Wallau and C. Wilson. 2023. Species richness and functional diversity enhance winter annual forage productivity and nutritive value. Crop Sci.63(5) 3136-3150

  • Rios, E.F., J.C.B Dubeux Jr., J.M.B. Vendramini, M. Wallau, A.J. Grossman, Y. Lopez, P. Munoz, W. Anderson, L. Baxter, K. Harris, M.S. Castillo, M.C. Saha, K. Quesenberry, A. Blount, P. Reith, and K. Kenworthy. 2023. Newell Bermudagrass: A Public Release from the USDA Cynodon Collection. J. of Plant Registrations 7(13):605-615

  • Aukema, K.D., M.O. Wallau, D.R. Faust, D.W. Archer, J.R. Hendrickson, S.L. Kronberg and M.A. Liebig. 2023. Soil CO2 efflux dynamics in an integrated crop-livestock system. Soil Sci. (First access)

  • Caram, N., F. Casalás, M. O. Wallau, P. Soca, V.D. Pillar, M. Cadenazzi and P. Boggiano. 2023. Biomass fine-scale variation is predictive of functional composition and diversity in grazed grassland. Appl. Veg Sci. 26(1)e12714  

  • Hayes, H., M.O. Wallau, N. Caram Fernandez, L.E. Sollenberger, K. E. Kenworthy and E. van Santen. 2023. Early-stage evaluation of grazed tetraploid bahiagrass experimental entries. Crop Sci. 63(3):1646-1658

  • Harling, J., E. Rios, C. de Souza, L.E. Sollenberger, J. Dubuex and M. Wallau. 2023. Defoliation management affects performance of alfalfa-bermudagrass mixtures in the southeastern USA. Agronomy J.

  • Caram, N., P. Soca, L.E. Sollenberger, W. Baethgen, M.O. Wallau and Maria E. Mailhos. 2023. Studying beef production evolution to plan for ecological intensification of grazing ecosystems. Agricult. Sys., 205:103582.

  • Castillo, M. and M. Wallau. 2023. Stocking Method and Terminology in Grazing Management: Evaluation of Assertions from Educational, Outreach and Engagement Programs. Crop Science63(2):1–6.

  • Babar, Md. A., S. Harrison, A. Blount, R. Barnet, J. Johnson, M. Margoum, D. Mailhot, J. Murphy. E. Mason, A. Ibrahim, R. Sutton,, B. Simeneaux, R. Boyles, B. Stancil, D. Marshall, M. Fountain, K. Klos, N. Khan, M. Wallau, H. Jordan, Jr, X. Ma and J. Arbalaes. 2023 FLLA11019-8: A new dual purpose facultative oat variety for grain and forage production in southern US. J. of Plant Registrations. 1–9.

  • Souza, C. L., C. Fernandes Filho, R. Canny, N. Sharma, M. Saha, M. Wallau, L. Baxter, W. Anderson, K. Harris-Shultz and E. Rios. 2022. Unraveling Phenotypic Diversity in Cynodon spp. Germplasm for Dry Matter Yield and Nutritive Value in the Transition Zone. Crop Science

  • Hegel, C.G.Z., G.M.M. Faria, B. Ribeiro, C.H. Salvador. C. Rosa, F. Pedrosa, G. Batista, L.P. Sales, M. Wallau, R. Fornel and L.M.S. Aguiar. 2022. Invasion and spatial distribution of wild pigs (Sus scrofa L.) in Brazil. Biol Invasions.

  • Babar, M.A., S.A. Harrison, A. Blount, R.D. Barnett, J. Johnson, M. Mergoum, D.J. Mailhot, J.P Murphy, R.E. Mason, A. Ibrahim, R. Sutton, B. Simoneaux, R. Boyles, B. Stancil, D. Marshall, M. Fountain, K.K. Klos, N. Khan, M. Wallau and H.G. Jordan Jr. 2022. FLLA09015‐U1: A broadly adapted dual‐purpose oat variety for southern US. J. of Plant Registrations.10.1002/plr2.20249 

  • Harling, J., L. Sollenberger, E. Rios, J. Dubeux and M. Wallau. 2022. Managing bermudagrass competition to overseeded alfalfa. Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment. 5(3) e20279

  • Pupo, M., M. Wallau and L. Ferraretto. 2022. Effects of season, variety-type, and trait on dry matter yield, nutrient composition, and predicted intake and milk yield of whole-plant sorghum forage. Journal of Dairy Science. 105(7):5776–5785.  

  • Halbritter, A., M. Wallau, M. Benge and C. Mackowiak. 2021. Identifying important skills and competencies needed for new Florida agriculture extension agents. Adv. Agric. Dev. 2(3): 61–71.

  • Caram, N., F. Casalas, P. Soca, V. Anfuso, J. Garcia-Favre, M. Wallau, R. Zanoniani, M. Cadenazzi and P. Boggiano. 2021. Configuration of daily grazing and searching of growing beef cattle in grassland: Observational study. Animal. 15:100336

  • Diepersloot, E.C., M.R. Pupo, L.G. Ghizzi, J.O. Gusmão, C. Heinzen, C. L. McCary, M. Wallau and L. Ferraretto. 2021. Effects of microbial inoculation and storage length on fermentation profile and nutrient composition of whole-plant sorghum silage of different varieties. Front. In Microbiol. 12(April): 1–16.

  • Bolzan, A.S., L.S. Szymczak, L. Nadin, O.F. Bonnet, M.O. Wallau, A. de Moraes, R. Moraes, A.L.G. Monteiro and P.C.F. Carvalho. 2021. What, how and how much do herbivores eat? The Continuous Bite Monitoring method for assessing forage intake of grazing animals. Ecology and Evolution.

  • Nunes, L., Y. Ampatzidis, L. Costa and M. Wallau. 2021. Horse foraging behavior detection using sound recognition techniques and artificial intelligence. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 183:106080.

  • Diepersloot, E.C., E.M. Paula, H. Sultana, E. van Santen, M.O. Wallau and L.F. Ferraretto. 2021. Effect of seeding rate and hybrid relative maturity on yield, nutrient composition, ruminal in vitro neutral detergent fiber digestibility and predicted milk yield of dairy cows in whole-plant corn forage in subtropical conditions. Applied Animal Science. 37:106-114.

  • Zubieta, A.S., J.V. Savian, W.S. de Souza Filho, M.O. Wallau, A. Marín, J. Bindelle, O.J.F. Bonnet and P.C.F. Cavalho. 2020. Review: Does grazing management provide opportunities to mitigate methane emissions by ruminants in pastoral ecosystems? Science of the Total Environment. 754(1):142029.   

  • Souza, C. de, Y. Lopez, P. Munoz, W. Anderson, M. Dall’Agnol, M. Wallau and E. Rios. 2020. Natural genetic diversity of nutritive value traits in the genus Cynodon. Agronomy. 10(11): 1729.  

  • Vasco, A.C.C.M, J.C.B. Dubeux, M.O. Wallau, C.L. Wickens and L.K. Warren. 2020. Characterization of forage utilization and pasture management practices on Florida horse operations. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. 95:103253

  • McCary, C., C. Heinzen, E. Paula, M. Wallau and L. Ferraretto. 2020. Short communication: Effect of planting density on nutritive value, dry matter yield, and predicted milk yield of two brown midrib forage sorghum hybrids. Applied Animal Science. 36(3):320-328

  • Wallau, M.O., J.M.B. Vendramini, L.E. Sollenberger, E. van Santen, A.D. Aguiar and O. Cunha. 2020. In-situ dry matter and crude protein disappearance dynamics in stockpiled limpograss. Crop Sci. 60(4): 2159-2166.

  • Bolzan, A.S., O.J.F. Bonnet, M.O Wallau, C. Basso, A. P. Neves and P.C.F. Carvalho. 2020. Foraging behavior development and diet selection by foals. Rangeland Ecology & Management.73(2): 243-251.

  • Chen, K.H, A. Blount, B. Justesen, J.H. Walter, M. Wallau and H.L. Liao. 2019. First report of the association of Myriogenospora atramentosa with plant genus Hemarthria. Plant Health Progress.

  • Wagner, A., M. Wallau, D. Fontana, P. Carvalho and C. Fraisse. 2018. Variability in vegetation indices in grasslands within the Pampa in RS/ Brazil and Uruguay. Agrometeoros. 26(1):83-92.

  • Rosa, C. A., M.O. Wallau and F. Pedrosa. 2018. Hunting as the Main Technique Used to Control Feral Hogs in Brazil. Wildlife Soc. Bull. 42(1): 111–118.

  • Quesenberry, K.H, L.E. Sollenberger, J.M.B. Vendramini, A.R.S. Blount, M.O. Wallau and C. Acuña. 2017. Registration of Kenhy and Gibtuck limpograss hybrids. J Plant Registrations.12:19–24.

  • Wallau, M.O., L.E. Sollenberger, J.M.B. Vendramini, K.H. Quesenberry, C.A.M. Gomide and M.K. Mullenix. 2016. Performance of limpograss breeding lines under a range of grazing management strategies. Crop Sci. 56(6):3345-3353.

  • Mullenix, M.K., L.E. Sollenberger, M.O. Wallau, A.R. Blount, J.M.B. Vendramini and M.L. Silveira. 2016a. Herbage accumulation, nutritive value and persistence responses of rhizoma peanut cultivars and germplasm to grazing management. Crop Sci. 56(2): 907-915.

  • Mullenix, M.K., L.E. Sollenberger, M.O. Wallau, D.L. Rowland, A.R. Blount, J.M.B. Vendramini and M.L. Silveira. 2016b. Sward structure, light interception, and rhizome-root responses of rhizoma peanut cultivars and germplasm to grazing management. Crop Sci. 56(2): 899-906.

  • Rieff, G.G., T. Natal-da-Luz, J.P. Sousa, M.O. Wallau, L. Hahn and E.L. Saccol de Sá. 2016. Collembolans and mites communities as a tool for assessing soil quality: Effect of eucalyptus plantations on soil mesofauna biodiversity. Curr. Sci. 110(4):713-719

  • Wallau, M.O., L.E. Sollenberger, J.M.B. Vendramini, M.K. Mullenix, K.H. Quesenberry, C.A.M. Gomide, V. Costa E Silva and N. Dilorenzo. 2015. Herbage accumulation and nutritive value of limpograss breeding lines under stockpiling management. Crop Sci. 55(5):2377-2383.

  • Na, C.-I., L.E. Sollenberger, J.E. Erickson, K.R. Woodard, M.O. Wallau and N.C. Krueger. 2014. Biomass yield and composition of perennial bioenergy grasses at harvests following a freeze event. Agron. J. 106(6): 2255-2262.

  • Wallau, M.O., L.E Sollenberger, K.H. Quesenberry, J.M.B. Vendramini and M.K. Mullenix, 2014. Evaluation of limpograss (Hemarthria altissima) breeding lines under different grazing management. Tropical Grasslands – Forrajes Tropicales. 2:149-150.

  • Stroschein, M.R.D., M.O. Wallau, E.L.S. de Sá, A. Binz and M. Dall’agnol. 2011. Seleção a campo de rizóbios nativos para cornichão (Field selection of native rhizobia for bird’s-foot trefoil). Ciência Rural. 41:1769-1772.


1.      Does Planting Perennial Peanut in Bahiagrass Pastures Pay Off? 

2.      Results from the 2023 UF/IFAS silage corn, sorghum, and millet variety trials. 

3.      Managing the Effects of Excessive Heat in Silage Corn and Other Crops. 

4.      Wallau, M, and A. Kuhn. 2023. Results for the top-rancher challenge. The Florida Cattleman and Livestock Journal. 

5.      2023 Cool-season annual forage variety recommendations. 

6.      Cool-season forages, cove-crops and wildlife food plots.

7.      Okeechobee Rancher and Youth Won the 2023 UF Top Rancher Challenge.

8.      Spring Pasture Green Up – Hold Off Grazing to Protect Your Pasture. 

9.      Impacts of the Christmas Freeze on Forages – What Happened and What to Do Now? 

10.   New UF/IFAS Forage Team Website

11.  Wallau, M. 2022. Thinking about pasture management for small ruminant: grazing management. UF/IFAS Extension Small Ruminant Update Vol. 2 No. 4. Fall 2022.

12. Four Florida Farms Recognized for Hay Quality in the Southeastern Hay Contest.

13.  Thinking about pasture management for small ruminant: planning. UF/IFAS Extension Small Ruminant Update 

14.  Reflections on rotational vs. continuous stocking. 

15.  Cool-season forages- a pasture perspective

16.  Introducing the new UF silage hybrid decision tool. 

17.  Wallau, M. 2022. UF/IFAS & UGA Corn Silage Field Day – May 26. Panhandle Ag e-News, UF/IFAS Extension. Apr 9, 2022.

18.  Keeping pastures productive in good times and bad.

19.  Strategies to manage cost of production in pasture systems.

20.  Wallau M., M. Mauldin and D. Mayo. 2022. The best of Florida on the Southeastern Hay Contest. The Florida Cattleman and Livestock Journal. 85(5):76-80

21.  How much is that cheaper “Cow Hay” really costing you? 

22.  Fertilization management of cool-season forages. 

23.  Wallau, M. C. Fraisse, A. Blount and C. Mackowiak. 2021. Cool-season pasture – planning and planting. The Florida Cattleman and Livestock Journal. 86(1):112-116

24.  Wilson, T. and M. Wallau. 2021. Winter feeding using cool-season forages. The Florida Cattleman and Livestock Journal. 85(12):80.

25.  2021 Cool-season forage recommendations for livestock and wildlife. 

26.  Talking about pasture management – Charla manejo de pasturas. 

27.  Effective management of warm-season pastures during the spring transition. 

28.  Wallau, M. and M. Mauldin. 2021. The best of Florida on the Southeastern Hay Contest. The Florida Cattleman and Livestock Journal. 85(5):76-80

29.  The best of Florida from the 2020 Southeastern Hay Contest. 

30.  What is the right management grazing management?  

31.  Wallau, M, C. Mackowiak and A. Blount. 2020. Annual cool-season forages: a viable option for feed and wastewater management. Progressive Dairy. Oct 1, 2020, 16: 86-87.

32.  Blount, A. and M. Wallau. 2020. 2020 Cool-season forage variety recommendations for Florida. The Florida Cattleman and Livestock Journal. 85(1):110-112

33.  The right steps for cool-season forage management. 

34.  Wallau, M. 2019. Results of the Southeastern Hay Contest. The Florida Cattlemen and Livestock Journal. 

35.  Wallau, M., D. Mayo, C. Prevatt and J. Dubeux. 2019. How good is your hay? The Florida Cattlemen and Livestock Journal. 83(9)

36.  Blount, A.R., M. Wallau, E. Rios, J.M.B. Vendramini, J.C.B. Dubeux, Md. A. Babar, K.E. Kenworthy and K.H. Quesenberry. 2019. 2019 Cool-season forage variety recommendations for Florida. The Florida Cattlemen and Livestock Journal. 83(12):144-146.

37.  Strategies for an adequate forage supply this winter. 

38.  The economics of grazing cool-season annual forages. 

39.  UF Forage Breeding Program – from local producers to global science. 

40.  Porque não podemos proibir a caça do javali no Brasil. 

41.  Reis, T.X. dos, N. Molinos, M.O. Wallau and L.H. Mendina Filho. 2018. II Jornada Internacional do Javali. Santana do Livramento, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Suiform Sound. 16(2): 23–26.

42.  A proibição da caça do javali em São Paulo e a ditadura dos falsos protetores. 

43.  Managing carbohydrates from grazed pastures for horses with metabolic disorders. 

44.  Dubeux, J., L. Sollenberger, J. Vendramini, M. Wallau, L. Garcia-Jimenez, E. Santos and D. Jaramillo. 2018. Strip-planting rhizoma peanut into grazing systems. The Florida Cattleman and Livestock Journal. 82(8):12-18.

45.  Preparing for a successful grazing season. 

EDIS Publications

1.      Liao, H-L, K-H Chen, F. Marcon, R. Jones, B. Justesen, J. Walter, A. Blount, C. Mackowiak, D. Mayo and M. Wallau. 2023. A preliminary survey of mycotoxins identified from Florida bahiagrass pastures. SL-505. UF/IFAS Extension Service

2.      Wallau, M., J. Vendramini, A. Adegbola, D. Vyas and K. Korus. 2022. Silage crops for dairy and beef cattle I: corn. SS-AGR-69. UF/IFAS Extension Service.

3.      Wallau, M., J. Vendramini, A. Adegbola, D. Vyas and K. Korus. 2022. Silage crops for dairy and beef cattle II: sorghum and other forage crops. SS-AGR-461. UF/IFAS Extension Service.

4.      Blount, A., M. Wallau, B. Sellers, D. Hancock, L. Dillard, J. Dubeux, C. Mackowiak, J. Vendramini and C. Cooper. 2022. Brunswickgrass or Paspalum nicorae: A weed contaminant in southern pastures and bahiagrass seed production fields. SS-AGR-405. UF/IFAS Extension Service.

5.      Wallau, M and J. Vendramini. 2022. Forage planting and establishment methods on prepared seedbed. SS-AGR-161. UF/IFAS Extension Service.

6.      Wallau, M., A.R. Bount, J.M. Campos, M.A. Lashley, E. Rios, J.M.B. Vendramini, J. C. B. Dubeux, Md. A. Babar, C.L. Mackowiak and K.H. Quesenberry. 2022. A walk on the wild side: 2022 cool-season forage recommendations for wildlife food plots in North Florida. SS-AGR-28.

7.      Wallau, M., A.R. Bount, E. Rios, J.M.B. Vendramini, J.C.B. Dubeux, Md. A. Babar, K.E. Kenworthy, M. Mulvaney and K.H. Quesenberry. 2022. 2022 Cool-season forage variety recommendations for Florida. SS-AGR-84. UF/IFAS Extension Service.

8.      Sellers, B., J. Ferrell, J. Vendramini and M. Wallau. 2021. Weed management during pasture establishment. SS-AGR-287. UF/IFAS Extension Service.

9.      Wallau, M, J. Vendramini, J.C.B. Dubeux and A. Blount. 2021. Florida Forages Handbook : preface. SS-AGR-98. UF/IFAS Extension Service.

10.  Vendramini, J., L.E. Sollenberger, K. Quesenberry, M. Wallau, J.C.B. Dubeux Jr. and Y. Newman. 2021. Limpograss (Hemarthria altissima): overview and management. SS-AGR-320. UF/IFAS Extension Service.

11.  Wallau, M., E. Rios and A. Blount. 2020. Planning and establishing on-farm field trials. SS-AGR-477. UF/IFAS Extension Service.

12.  Wallau, M., J. Vendramini and J.K. Yarborough. 2020. Bermudagrass production in Florida. SS-AGR-60. UF/IFAS Extension Service.

13.  Wallau, M., J. Vendramini, J. Dubeux and A. Blount. 2019. Bahiagrass (Paspalum notatumFlueggé): overview and pasture management. SS-AGR-332. UF/IFAS Extension Service.

14.  Wallau, M. and J. Vendramini. 2019. Methods for forage moisture testing. SS-AGR-178. UF/IFAS Extension Service.

15.  Dubeux, J., M. Wallau, J. Vendramini, L. Silva, J. Griffin, N. DiLorenzo and E. Santos. 2019. Estimating herbage mass on pastures to adjust stocking rate. SS-AGR-434. UF/IFAS Extension Service.

16.  Wallau, M., E. L. Johnson, J. Vendramini, C. Wickens and C. Bainum. 2019. Pastures and forage crops for horses. SS-AGR-65. UF/IFAS Extension Service.

17.  Wallau, M., J. Vendramini and E. Jennings. 2018. Calibrating forage seeding equipment. SS-AGR-90. UF/IFAS Extension Service.

18.  Sollenberger, L.E., J.M.B. Vendramini, J.C.B. Dubuex and M. Wallau. 2018. General guidelines for managing pastures for dairy cows. SS-AGR-94. UF/IFAS Extension Service.

19.  Sollenberger, L.E., J.M.B. Vendramini, J.C.B. Dubuex and M. Wallau. 2018. Grazing management concepts and practices. SS-AGR-92. UF/IFAS Extension Service.

20.  Wallau, M., A.T. Adesogan, L.E. Sollenberger, J.M.B. Vendramini and J.C.B. Dubeux Jr. 2018. Factors affecting forage quality. SS-AGR-93. UF/IFAS Extension Service.

21.  Wallau, M., B. Justesen, A. Blount, L. Ferraretto, G. Aiken and A. Stam. 2018. Mycotoxins in Florida pastures. SS-AGR-422. UF/IFAS Extension Service.

22.  Dubeux, D., L. Sollenberger, J. Vendramini, M. Wallau, A. Blount, L. Garcia-Jimenez, E. Santos and D. Jaramillo. 2018. Strip-planting rhizoma peanut into grazing systems. SS-AGR-421. UF/IFAS Extension Service.

23.  Dubeux, J., M. Wallau, E. Rios, Y.C. Newman, P. Munoz and K. Quesenberry. 2018. Winter forage legume guide. SS-AGR-49. UF/IFAS Extension Service.


Marcelo Wallau

Associate Professor - Forage Extension Specialist

Agronomy Department - University of Florida

2005 SW 23rd St. Bldg 350

Gainesville, FL, 32608

(352) 273 - 2216

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